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CDC National Verb Campaign 
CLIENT: CDC National Verb 
PROJECT: Street Team Promotion 


To promote progressive and social activities and displace unhealthy, risky behaviors among National Asian-American (Chinese / Korean / Filipino / Vietnamese / Asian Indian) ages 9-13. 


Recruit bilingual, locally based Asian-American males and females ages 18-21 from designated target ethnic groups to create guerilla street teams and interact with the targeted tweens developing big-brother / sister trust. Disseminate promotional materials relevant to tweens such as wash-away tattoos and stickers in key locations where they congregate.

Procure feedback and comments from tweens, parents and influencers with standardized question forms.

Be visible at locations where Asian-American tweens would likely be socializing, such as malls, supermarkets, boba tea houses, arcades, in-language schools and selected VERB sponsored events.

Identify time of the day in which the target audience would most likely be socializing. 


Reached Asian-American tweens in the following DMAs:

Los Angeles / Garden Grove / Westminster / San Diego Houston / Dallas Interacted and disseminated 72,000 VERB stickers and tattoos during the street team campaign in the selected DMAs. 

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